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Oct 15, 2012
This Week's Tweaks

This Week’s Tweak — Databases

Post by hulia-j

In an effort to continually improve and expand the offerings on The Gondola Project, each week we’re rolling out a “tweak” to the site. If there’s a part of the website you’d like to see “tweaked” send us an email at gondola (at) creativeurbanprojects (dot) com.

This week we’ve begun a major update of our “database” pages. Basically these are the pages in the Learn About Cable Transit category in which we have organized many of our past posts. Since we post everyday the information piles up quickly. This week we’ve updated the “Systems We’re Following” page. This is the page where we follow cable systems that are going through the proposal, planning, and construction phases.

You may notice that several of the featured systems on this page have been completed and are now operational. We noticed this, too. But that is another tweak for another week.


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