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Jul 31, 2013
Just For Fun

Commuters Push Train to Save Passenger Stuck in Platform Gap

Post by nickchu

Riders collectively help push train to rescue fellow passenger. Image from

Last week we posted a viral video which showed the incredible amount of overcrowding on Beijing’s Subway Line 13. Having personally ridden the City’s subway during rush hour, I couldn’t think of anything worst than waiting on a busy platform in hopes of boarding the next packed train with a thousand other antsy and agitated passengers.

However, this week a heartwarming story came out of Saitama Prefecture in Japan where having a busy train station actually worked in a passenger’s favour. Let me explain.

When a woman stepped off the train, she accidentally fell in between the platform gap. However, she was miraculously pulled out and saved when 40 passengers worked together to push the train, — thus, opening up the gap and giving her enough room to escape. She was subsequently sent to the hospital but with no visible injuries.

And if that wasn’t amazing enough, passenger train service resumed with little delay after 8 minutes of the incident!


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