The 11th Gondola Project WHITE CARD is now up! You can check it out here, or from the “Learn About Cable Transit” menu above. Remember, Gondolas and Cable Cars make for fantastic Thanksgiving Day conversations, for all those celebrating turkey day. As for everyone else, have a most splendid November the 24th.
The two newest WHITE CARDS are hot off the [digital] presses and now available for your viewing, printing, downloading and sharing pleasure. Part of an on going series that covers Important Cable Systems, the most recently added cards profile the Singapore and Ngong Ping cable cars. What is a WHITE CARD? What systems are...
The Gondola Project’s WHITE CARD collection is growing rapidly and today we are pleased to announce that two more cards are now available. This brings the total to eight. For a full index of available cards, check out the WHITE CARDS page here, or from the header under “Learn About Cable Transit”. In case you...
Last week we introduced the WHITE CARDS (here and here) and brought you the first four in a series of cable system profiles. But it doesn’t stop there. This week we’re rolling out even more WHITE CARDS, starting today with two new systems; the Caracas Metrocable and the Teleférico do Complexo do Alemão. To see...
The Gondola Project has been dedicated to exploring cable systems for a couple years now, and have amassed a large amount of information throughout this site. That is why yesterday we introduced our most recent CUP endeavor — WHITE CARDS, a new (and we hope more succinct) learning tool for cable. Devised from the idea of a White Paper,...
Here at the Gondola Project we’ve been busy producing what we’re calling WHITE CARDS — a new learning tool for those interested in Cable Propelled Transit. They’re basically a quick-read version of a white paper: The series kicks off with cards on Major CPT Systems. Each card provides basic information on the system (with images...