Last week, as announced by a number of international new sources both inside and outside of Bolivia, the first of three urban cable car lines in La Paz – El Alto was finally opened to the general public. Despite being barely a week old, a host of events and celebrations has already taken place. Here’s...
— A quick look at some of the things that happened this week in the world of cable cars, urban gondolas and cable propelled transit: Great excitement coming out of La Paz, Bolivia as Line Red (Linea Roja), began initial operations this week. The 2.4km system is the first of three lines to open. The...
A quick look at some of the things that happened this week in the world of cable cars, urban gondolas, and cable propelled transit: News out of Haiti suggests that Port-au-Prince may soon consider the implementation of a 5 phase cable car system. Poma proposed a Metrocable network to country’s Ministry of Economy and Finance last week. The...
A quick look at some of the things that happened this week in the world of cable cars, urban gondolas, and cable propelled transit: Potosi, a city of 240,000 residents in Bolivia may be the next municipality in the country to implement a cable car. This week, it officially launched a tender for a public...
A quick look at some of the things that happened this week in the world of cable cars, urban gondolas, and cable propelled transit: First opened in 2006 — that’s more than 7 years ago — the Portland Aerial Tram has officially transported 10 million passengers. As part of the celebrations, a very lucky...
As some of our readers may know, the 3 cable car lines currently under construction in La Paz, Bolivia are due to open early next year. Unfortunately, language barriers sometimes makes gathering intel from South America difficult. Luckily though, we do have a large international audience who are kind enough to forward us information —...
A quick look at some of the things that happened this week in the world of cable cars, urban gondolas, and cable propelled transit: Reports indicate that La Paz, Bolivia’s Teleférico Metropolitano continues to make steady progress. Out of the 3 systems being built, the Red Line is the closest to completion with 50% of...