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Aug 21, 2012
Site Issues and Updates

Biggest Day Ever

Post by admin

Yesterday was the biggest day ever for readership on The Gondola Project.

It seems someone picked up on the Mieders Sommerrodelbahn and tweeted it, which quickly led to a spike in traffic that continues currently.

Granted, we probably would’ve liked people to land on our site through something a little more on-topic. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t a bit perturbed that the most-viewed page on our site is about an alpine roller coaster.

Having said that, traffic is traffic.

The very reason we post things like the Somerrodelbahn and the Chinese Tunnel Bus™ is that we know they’ll draw in readers. It gets attention and grows an audience. If it’s possible for a public transit website to utilize link bait, then these are the kinds of things that work.

And if even a small percentage of our new visitors take the time to look around and learn a bit about cable transit, then those posts have done their job.


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