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Oct 06, 2015
Public Transit

Where to find existing and proposed URBAN GONDOLAS

Post by nickchu

To further enlighten those interested in urban cable cars systems, the Gondola Project has begun mapping them out (link 1 – Gondola Project; link 2 – Full Map via Google).

First, we’ve organized existing urban systems. You can navigate/locate these two ways:

  1. Visually locate the system and/or
  2. Zoom into system’s location and find the alignment

Once you find your cable car, click on the icon or the alignment to view the relevant stats and links.

And, second, the list of proposed urban gondolas: the icon is merely pinned to a generic location in the proposed city.

Tip: Looking at the whole world, you’ll see fewer systems because they cluster in areas. (Maps, being mere graphic representations of reality, are never perfect.) Zoom into the area you’re interested in to reveal seemingly hidden icons.

This map will be an ongoing project, updated accordingly.

Feel free to help. We’re still learning the intricacies of Google My Maps, so if you have any recommendations on how we can improve this, please leave us a comment below or on any of our social media channels (just Facebook/gondolaproject and Twitter @CUPgondola for now).

Happy navigating!



  • Radim says:

    Great map! The detailed alignments really help to understand how each system works together with other means of transport.

    It would be even better with some kind of classification of a system’s main purpose. For example:
    – Urban public transport (La Paz, Medellin)
    – Seasonal / Special event transport (Telluride, Koblenz)
    – Tourist attraction (Spokane Falls, Emirates)

    I think that such classification is even more important than the used technology. Though there might be cases that are hard to classify.

  • Nick Chu says:

    @ Radim: That’s a fantastic idea Radim. We’ve previously classified each cable car under similar categories but you’re right to point out that some are more difficult to classify. I like your categories so I’ll put some more thought to this. If you have any more ideas, please let us know!

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