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Feb 02, 2015
Just For Fun

Riding Línea Amarilla in Full HD

Post by nickchu

Ever wonder what it was like to hop onboard La Paz’s longest urban cable car Línea Amarilla? Thanks to Youtube user Marco Torrico anyone with an internet connection or a solid mobile data plan is now able to ride vicariously on the gondola in full 1080p HD! So if you have 20 minutes to spare, sit back, relax and enjoy the incredible panoramic views of La Paz’s rugged urban landscape.

PS: For those who may be wondering, the system travels from stations in the following order: Parque Mirador >> Buenos Aires >> Sopocachi >> Libertador. 



  • GiorgioXT says:

    Note at 11:30 how easy the wheelchair guy exit . Much easier respect a Bus and even a Metro carriage .

    • Nick Chu says:

      Good catch GiorgioXT! I didn’t see that. I think I was caught up enjoying the Bolivian tunes. 😉

  • Exactly at 11:56 you can see in the corner right the problem with the straight edge of the doorstep/edge gap at the curve. So entrance points should not be in a curve.

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