A couple of years back, Volkswagen came up with a brilliant viral marketing campaign known as The Fun Theory. The basic idea being that “fun is the easiest way to change people’s behaviour for the better” (their words, not mine). The shorthand for the theory was the very public transformation of a subway stairwell into...
If you haven’t seen it already, Melbourne Metro Trains just launched one of the world’s most successful transit safety awareness campaigns ever – that’s 11 million Youtube hits in 6 days! Whether or not it will reduce accidents remains to be seen. However, there’s one thing that’s certain, I can’t get this song out of...
MOVE is a multi-media, multi-facetted exhibition that explores the past, present, and future of urban transportation in Toronto, and around the world. The expo is the result of a collaboration between Evergreen and the Institute without Boundaries (IwB). The actual exhibition is located in the Kilns Building at the Brick Works — the former brick...
Do you remember the piano stairs in Sweden that got people to choose the stairs over the escalator? And not just some people, but 66% more people. That’s because while taking the escalator is easier than climbing the stairs, playing a piano with your feet is infinitely more fun than standing on a stair that...
There are two ways to use the word “engagement.” The first way is to promise yourself to someone else. To devote yourself to another entirely. To voluntarily betroth your mind, body and soul to a mutually beneficial union that’s meant to last an eternity. The second way is to declare war. To battle with an...