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Jan 14, 2011

12 Non-Cable or Gondola Transit Related Posts (Part 2)

Post by admin

As it’s the new year, a lot of blogs are posting things like their “10 most popular posts of 2010.” And while I considered doing something similar, I realized it wouldn’t make a lot of sense given that the 10 most popular posts are already listed on the widget in the upper-right corner of this page.

Instead, I decided to look back at what were some of my favorite posts from the last year that were not gondola or cable transit related. The links are below in no particular order.

For those of you who’ve been here for a while, you might recognize some of them. For those who are new to the site, they will give you a better idea of what we’re about here at The Gondola Project and some of the philosophical underpinnings of the work we do.

And even though the posts are old, feel free to comment and engage in discussion.

  • Our Outsourced Rails Do North Americans really deserve all the credit for the massive rail projects they’ve built in the past?
  • The Ten Day Traffic Jam – If the Chinese are more willing to sit in a 10 day traffic jam than ride transit, what does that tell us?
  • Canadian Prosciutto – If you don’t believe something to exist, does that mean it doesn’t?

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