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Sep 09, 2014
Just For Fun

Ropeway Simulator 2014

Post by nickchu

Ropeway Simulator 2014.

Perhaps as a testament to the growing popularity of cable cars and gondolas amongst our youth, Astragon Software recently released a video game called Ropeway Simulator 2014. The game takes you through the experience of building and managing your very own ropeway! Players are allowed to choose from up to 10 different types of lifts.

While I desperately would like to play this game, it unfortunately is not available for Mac users. So until I can find my old PC, I can only based my comments from online descriptions.

After quickly watching a Youtube review by Mr Black Plays, it seems like the game is a test of your mouse clicking abilities. Once a player chooses their area of interest, they’re required to meticulously pinpoint and select tower locations and adjust its height, curvature and base angle.

Screenshot from MrBlackPlays.

Tower adjustments. Screenshot from MrBlackPlays.

After the correct adjustments are made, you’re finally allowed to build your ropeway and start transporting your guests! Whoo-hoo!

Since the Youtube clip only shows a small segment of gameplay, I imagine that later stages would be even more difficult.

One limited feature I notice immediately is that you are only allowed to choose from two ropeway settings: summer and winter. Perhaps if this game is popular enough, I hope that the developers will introduce a third environment, urban/city, in their next release.

And if this game is anything remotely similar to game simulators from my days as a child (i.e. Sim City 3000, Roller Coaster Tycoon), then Ropeway Simulator could possibly be the breeding ground for the next generation of ropeway planners!

Now all I have to do is find that old Toshiba laptop of mine. Happy gaming.




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