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Dec 21, 2009

What Do You Hate About Your City’s Transit System?

Post by admin

"Hold the door, please."

Take a minute to think about that question . . . what do you hate about your city’s transit system?

With transit fares rising and the price of automobiles dropping (can a $1,000 car from China really be that far away?) our public transit systems are going to have to do a lot to convince us to stick around because constant delays, rude drivers and crowded subways are only going to drive us away.

So again:  What do you hate about your city’s transit system?

And maybe more importantly: Why do you accept it?

Send us your answers at gondola (at) creativeurbanprojects (dot) com. We’ll post the interesting ones later.

Creative Commons image by quatro.sinko.



  • I don’t have a problem with the Transit System in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

    I have a problem with all of the ignoramus automobile drivers that are cluttering up the roadways so that the transit can’t get through!

  • I don’t have a problem with the Transit System in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

    I have a problem with all of the sheep commuters who don’t know any alternate routes to get home when the subway breaks down.

    Standing on Yonge Street grumbling about the crowded shuttle buses instead of taking another route around the problem.

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