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Oct 06, 2011
Site Issues and Updates

Site Updates: Weekly Roundup and Sunday Stats

Post by admin

As of this week, The Gondola Project will discontinue posting on Saturdays and Sundays. Recent developments and a large surge in readership have caused us to rethink our strategy and focus on high-quality posts during the prime readership days of Monday through Friday.

We’re hoping this will result in a shift from quantity to quality and help to facilitate our rebuild and reorganization of the site.

For those interested, The Weekly Roundup will shift from Saturday to Friday (and commence tomorrow) while The Sunday Stats With Nick Chu will shift to a new web-based urban application CUP Projects be launching in the coming couple months.

These are exciting times for Creative Urban Projects (CUP, CUP Projects, whatever you like) and we are so truly grateful for the support everyone has extended us. Your participation, enthusiasm and generosity are an inspiration to us to keep improving what we do and how we do it.

We can’t wait to share what’s next . . .



  • LX says:

    So the weekend could be free for guest posts? =)

    And… if you read something non-cable-related, that appears to be interesting, the links could be posted within a topic (like a weekly roundup, but with less input and energy).

    • Steven Dale says:

      I think free for guest posts makes sense.

      Non-cable stuff we might push into one of the other sites we’re building, but it’s certainly possible.

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